He finally found the Pacu fish known locally as the Ball Cutter and managed to catch one in his small wooden fishing boat. 杰里米最终单凭一艘小木船抓住了这种被称作BallCutter的食人鱼。
Fish Ball, Fish Pancake and Fish Caviar Production Line; 鱼丸、鱼饼、鱼糜生产线;
According to police the person in the scene, the fire burning in the farms where the central area of the fire area to do a fish ball stall. 据现场报警人介绍,大火燃烧的地方位于菜场中心区,起火部位是一家做鱼丸的摊位。
The company specialized in whole plant equipment for producing surimi, imitation crab stick, chikuwa, kamaboko, fish dumpling, meat ball, fish ball, squid shredding, fish shredding. 本公司专门制造鱼糜设备,模拟蟹肉、鱼竹轮、鱼板、鱼饺、鱼丸、贡丸、鱿鱼丝、鱼丝等各种食品加工机械整厂设备。
If the government set the price floor at$ 10, will you change your demand of fish ball? 如果政府将价格下限定于$10/串,你会改变你的需求吗?
Qixing fish is a packet heart ball, originated in the early Qing Dynasty. 七星鱼丸是一种包心丸子,起源于清初。
Besides, athletes 'service, receiving, attacks near the net and fish dives to save the ball all are full of poetic charms. The goalkeeper make a spectacular dive to save the goal. 此外,运动员的发球、发球、前对攻、身鱼跃救球等都充满了诗情画意。守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球。
Walton is a much better ball handler, which would allow Kobe and Fish to play off the ball more. 沃顿更擅长处理球,这就可以给科比和小鱼创造更多的机会。
Lisa: So, Justin, what do you think of Danshui's famous fish ball soup? 丽莎:喂,贾斯丁你认为淡水这种有名的鱼丸汤怎么样?
Sunfish ( large sea fish that is almost round, like a ball) 太阳鱼(海中的一种大鱼,体圆如球)。
Fish ball is a kind of dish representative of products of fish in most cases. 鱼圆是鱼糜制品中最具代表性的菜肴。
Pork bun, hot dog, fish ball and a lot more, hkers love their unique mix of snacks. 猪肉包,热狗,鱼蛋,还有很多啦,香港人很喜欢自己这种特有的混搭小吃。
Process Test and Design of Production Line of Non-Starch Fish Ball 纯鱼丸加工工艺试验及其生产线设计
Study on texture of frozen fish ball 冷冻鱼圆质地的研究
Stuffed fish ball is one of the characteristic delicacies among the colloid products of minced fish. 灌馅鱼圆是鱼茸胶体制品中别具特色的美味佳肴。
Furthermore, due to avoidance of the shake caused by the angle change of the motor and water wave, the attack of the robotic fish is more efficient and the success rate of the ball attack is also improved. 同时,避免了电机角度变化引起的震动和水的波动等不稳定因素,使机器鱼的进攻更加有效,提高了带球进攻的成功率。